Short Sunday Scribble!

Oh what a difference a few days make! I'm not locked in anymore:) I can get to church through my usual route, and not to mention all the other places along the road that used to be blocked! I visited restaurants along that street often, and the Contemporary Art museum is like a second home:) I took the long, round-about way to church today, but found out on my way home that I'm no longer boxed into a corner! So that was lovely. I feel like it's been 100 years since I stretched my legs. One thing did occur to me as Ableist while I was out walking. The supposedly "accessible" crossing signals that tell pedestrians when to cross assume WAY too much for the downtown area. They don't say "You are on--and it is safe to cross", they say "WAIT...WAIT" and "Walk, sign says walk," withe the street names preceding them. But think about it. If you were blind (or even if you just couldn't read the street signs from across the street, as is often the case for me) would you know if it was okay for you to cross at a corner? When one signal says "--sign says WALK" and another sign says "--WAIT"...they're assuming you know exactly which street you're crossing. That's not a fair assumption, especially downtown!! The street changes names sometimes two or three times; just the slightest deviation from your path could take you to a whole new location. Without crossing signal read-outs that telling you "--is safe to cross", you'd have to just HOPE "--" is the street you were on! This is just my pet peeve. How easy it is to forget or ignore what people really need, and just give them "good enough" because it's cheaper or more convenient. How hard would it be to add "--is safe to cross" instead of just "WAIT" and "SIGN SAYS WALK"? But maybe that's assuming too much of that they care.


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