
I missed yesterday's blogging day. My city (and my mind, my conscience, my soul) have been in utter tumult the last several days. I wouldn't have known what to say, how to formulate the words or articulate an opinion--on all that's been going on in this country, just yesterday. Given an extra 24 hours, I've come up with only the following image. It's a viral image that several of us (including myself) have chosen to update our profile pictures with, to draw attention to the crisis surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement. Honestly I'm almost nervous to post this entry; so much of what I've said lately has been brutally taken out of context and/or deliberately misinterpreted for personal gain. All I can say is that it makes my heart gladder when a larger company joins the fight, and not just all of my individual friends. If a respectable company makes "noise" like this, that makes both BLM and the company's focus of inclusion all that much more immediate. Below the image I've included a link to this organization's website. It's a very exciting one! If you're like me you'll educate yourself on Respect Ability in particular and in general gain the utmost respect for them--and the people they champion.


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