Miss You Can Do It

This is nice to see. Another grown woman born with Cerebral Palsy, making the most of her life, making "it look easy." But I promise you it's not easy. There's as much stigma following those of us with less-obvious physical disabilities as there is surrounding those whose physical disabilities shadow their every move. And we have the added difficulty of dealing with the ignorant people who refuse to accept that life, for us, is challenging too. "Miss You Can Do It" is a brilliant moniker, but being graced with it doesn't mean smooth sailing. You have to deal with people who say "I don't know if you're disabled or not"-- or who use the "big stall" in public restrooms while you sit on your walker seat with crossed legs and wait. You have to deal with people calling you "cross-eyed" because they don't have a ready label for your disability--and neither do you. There's no short answer to the challenges we face. And on top of that, there are still inaccessible entrances and over-crowded store aisles that clutter your path. Luckily, through years of experience we've had plenty of chances to get used to the problems we face. But NOTHING has been easy. https://www.facebook.com/disabilitynetworkwm/photos/rpp.110867425642753/3205910969471701/?type=3&theater


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