Too Anxious

Good Morning, Lovelies! Feeling very anxious today:( Just personal insecurities and worries about the future--amorphous, baseless, and with nowhere to rest:( I can't make myself "put it down." Anxiety rates around the country are extremely high, after all. And it makes me feel a little better to know I'm not alone. Indeed, with Quarantine/Lockdown forcing us all to distance ourselves and avoid each other and BE alone--any connection at all is a comfort. Adding fuel to my anxious fire this morning is that I found out I can't proceed with a pet adoption I'd been committed to since last week. So much for reducing my anxiety with a little fur ball:) I'll have to find some other way. I haven't entirely given up. As a result though, of course, my energy is drained. All my optimism has fizzled right out, and I'm just about ready to crawl back into bed. But of course I can't do that; there are still things I've been planning to do today. So maybe that in itself is something uplifting--nothing like a sense of purpose to shake the "ho-hums" loose:)


Unknown said…
I send you good wishes, Amelia.

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