The Quality of a Life

Hello Lovelies! Today I'm sharing an article I debated sharing. It seems to cast this blog in a very "I'm a victim, you're a victim--we're all victims" light, and I hate that. However, this is something the Disabled face, and unlike other minorities and marginalized groups, there is no conversation around how to make people with disabilities feel more included in our society, let alone disabled minorities, and to say nothing of the concerns around the Pandemic. Myself, I have been isolating to the best of my ability for four months. Aside from receiving grocery deliveries (praise GOD) or the occasional UPS delivery--I have had to stay inside because I worry about how many people do not have symptoms of Covid-19 yet could still transmit it, and are not wearing a mask. They're everywhere:( Read the article below. It poses a heartbreaking question that until this moment in history, I don't think anyone has asked out loud. But it has always been real to us.


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