3 Cups of Espresso
...So you know how THIS day is going. It's a sopping-wet Monday requiring much, much fortification just to get through. Thank goodness I had espresso beans waiting to be opemed today. There's just nothing like their kick on a cold, sodden, unhealthy Monday morning I really want nothing more than to sleep through.
As it is, Lovelies, I've pressed the snooze alarm on my radio multiple times, and woke up holding my cell phone; a sign that I'd turned IT'S offensive buzzer off in my sleep.
After coffee there were the inevitable phone calls to various people rearranging my schedule. Do you ever feel like you're just scheduling things to RE-schdedule or cancel them? It's something I've dealt with on a heightened level for the past year and a half. ever since fears of an unseen enemy added an extra layer of caution and another reason to rethink going out.
I would have thought nobody in their right mind would be out in the weather today, but I was wrong. As thunder claps above and lightening flashes while the rain POURS down, there's somebody with a dolly in the parking lot, moving stuff into a recently-purchased unit. I can't believe it. Myself I would have cancelled everything for today and slept on the floor if need be, rather than try to move anything in this downpour. But not everyone's me! Some people have a boldness of spirit in these conditions that left me years ago:)
Overall, I'd say the week is looking promising. Rain is expected to continue, but only for the next day or so. Then it'll be sunny and normal and I can continue with whatever the weather has forced me to postpone.
To my amazement I actually greased some wheels with a call to someone about a muct-delayed refund on an appliance this morning! I had waited a week hoping said refund would go through eventually, and it hadn't. But my call spurred them to action finally, and I should be able to order the replacement within a few days! Just goes to show: you cannot always rely on things to just happen. Sometimes you must MAKE them happen--and I did! Just that little side of me emerging through the shadows of this Pandemic amazes me. It's mind-blowing what can be accomplished when we have no choice:)
And on that happy note, I'll close this rainy-day entry. The future is coming, and looking brighter than I would've guessed considering the current weather situation! Plus I got to also talk with some friends about cancelled plans, which were a disappointment to HAVE to cancel. But like I said, our reasons for postponing get-togethers are multi-layered these days. We have to look after each other as well as ourselves.
Take care, Lovelies! See you next week,