
Hello Lovelies! Here we are again after just one day:) I decided not to allow myself another long time-lapse before adding content, an I really enjoyed this young lady's take on her own challenges. Very self-aware. I know I was certainly not that poised when I was younger! My generation (at least from my perspective) was all doing the best it could, but struggling to grip the walls of the slippery under-ground river of life we navigated. That was my impression, anyway! And I found it most relatable how "Actually Izzy" has trouble reading tone. Myself I find it hard to "stay with" jokes. Not so much that I miss the point, just that I kind of dissasociate. I assume that the sarcasm applied is rhetorical, as if it WOULD be hilarious, IF it happened, but not that it has. Thus, I miss out on a lot of punchlines. I assume they either don't apply to my current situation, or the joke actually being told, or that they have come at the wrong time in the story. Enjoy the clip below! It's so interesting to me how we all process humor in ever so slightly different ways. And I like how "Actually Izzy" is aware of the limitations of her Autism. Very Temple Grandin (famous natural scientist with Autism) of her. Be warned, there IS a little swearing at the end, because having challenges is frustrating.


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