
Hello Lovelies! I know it's been a while...AGAIN. But I have my reasons. Healing AND finding a recognizable version of myself is a messy business. And I have to do it all while remembering not to expect too much of my balance, trying to maintain flexibility in my joints (ever tight now that the weather is colder, so I have to stretch more often), and maneuvering my walker through a world that isn't always built for it, meaning I have to work harder, which is exhausting. I also have to try to keep my energy up when most of the time my sleep schedule is hopelessly inverted, because darn it, I hate going to bed where it's dark and lonely. All this to say I know we've all got our struggles; I'm not trying to diminish anyone else's. In fact, I recently came across a visual representation of "the struggle" as I see it, that says to ME that the problem is even bigger than I imagine, that every single one of us doing the internal work to become aware of our trauma and thus HEAL from it, is likewise going through a cycle of highs and lows. Below is the image, and its simplicity delights me. One minute you're on top of the world feeling completely free of your old hang-ups. The next, you've crashed right back down to the depths of your previous pain. In a way though, isn't it nice to know that when things are low, they WILL swing back up? Isn't it even BETTER to know that there's something we can do to make that happen? Personally, I get a major lift out of cleaning my space. Most of the time clutter doesn't really bother me; I can work around it. But when I do buckle down and really "spotless-ize" my home, a term I used as a kid to describe "clean"--I feel much better, and even lighter and happier. Here is the meme. May it remind you that things will always turn around:


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