Seeing a Change

Hello Lovelies!

Yes, it's been a minute. But let's not dwell on the past; some truly wonderful reels have been showing up in my feed, and I wanted to share one with you!

Let me count the ways I love this video by Anthony Ferraro. Number 1, I love it because like Molly Burke, he is blind and giving us all a glimpse into his daily struggles and considerations that otherwise, I admit that even I wouldn't necessarily have thought of. Although there have definitely been times in my life when using my sense of touch, my tactile perception--in addition to my visual perception has helped me identify an object. Also because I lack most depth perception (one of my eyes turns nearly entirely inward toward the center), I have difficulty always being aware of the space around me. My spacial awareness or "place in the universe", if you like, isn't always immediately apparent. So I too have had to find ways of combating this problem, and attempt to be graceful when grace is pretty much the last physical characteristic you would give my movements.

So anyway, back to Mr. Ferraro. The other thing I love about this video is how he mentions every other sense he has to accomplish this task. First you see him smelling the little girl's backside and commenting; you know his sense of smell is compensating for his lack of sight. Next he shows us how he uses several of the baby wipes to tend to his daughter and make sure she's clean. That is evidence of him using touch to "see" her dimensions and skin and make sure there's not a single spot left uncared for.

The last thing I noted was Ferraro's description of using the belly button as a guideline to make sure the diaper was placed properly, as well as the tabs on the side to make sure that the diaper was in the right position. Because he certainly can't hold a diaper up first and determine the correct placement based on which end is wider. And as we all know, one must change a diaper quickly on a squirmy baby!


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