There Are a Lot of Us!

 Hello Lovelies!

Revelations have been had just now. So this week I have been really struggling with regulating my sleep schedule. A lot. I stayed up allllll night the night before the eclipse and ended up sleeping through the whole darn thing. Why did I stay up, you ask? Because I wasn't tired. I had done the exact same thing the night and day before. I've never had a regulated schedule. Not even really when I was little. It's to do with the hospital stays and then the recovery and inactivity I think.

I started out today being kind of down on myself; I've struggled all week with not hating myself for being so "abnormal". I should be like everyone else, right? At least that's what society would have me believe. Then just now I saw this wonderful reel that spurred me to action.

It is wonderful these days, as I am relearning who I am as a more emotionally mature adult, to see things that vindicate my suspicion that there was never anything "wrong" with me, that the very idea was a mistake based on misunderstanding. Sometimes it's been in the form of the kind of friends I never dreamed I'd have--the kind like me--who make me feel like I'm not in this life entirely on my own; there are others out there with the same struggles, and best of all, willing to share mine:)

Other times the confirmation of my regularity, the thing I have craved all my life but honestly had all but despaired of getting, comes from a Facebook reel. So I spontaneously opened my laptop to pen this entry and share the good news! It was never "wrong", it was never even "weird", and none of us is alone.


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