First credit card, first purchase:)

Hey! Such an exciting day:) My mother and grandmother came to town earlier to take us out to lunch, after which they took my little dog Mary with them, so she'd be out of the construction worker's way while they tear apart and reassemble the back end of our house this coming week:)

When I got home, the first credit card I've ever had in my name was waiting for me! I have to admit this was a little frightening. I've avoided credit cards all my life, afraid of unnamed horrors in my own mind that would ultimately lead to my imprisonment:) Silly, yes, but this is how "financially savvy" I can be.

Mikel walked me through the process of charging my first ever purchase, an addition to the home I'm actually really excited about--these tumblers! They are almost exactly like a very pretty set my grandmother has in blue, which I guess confirms that I'm actually a grand dame in a 30-year-old's body! But hey, I think they're pretty, and now I'll have a set of special glasses I can really treasure and prize, as a life-long memory (along with this entry) of my grandmother:) And I probably never would have had the guts to even get my own credit card without Mikel's encouragement.

In other exciting news, our double oven works! It was finally hooked up and made operational today--of course just two days before our week-long trip. But I'll bet I can manage a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies; my mom brought me a frozen mix from home today. Then we'd have a nice treat for our tedious bus ride.


Merrilee said…
Don't forget to take the cookie dough out of the freezer to thaw! The glasses are just beautiful. What a nice way to toast your first step toward indebtedness! See you soon!

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