The band plays on...

Meeting with a DJ later today, though not entirely sure when. Those musicians! They run on interesting hours. We've become well acquainted with this facet of their existance sheltering Michael's aide, who among many other things performs every weekend as the lead singer for a local band. They're out every weekend, performing all over the state 'til all hours:)

My fiance and I have never been bothered by her comings and goings. Fortunately some brilliant architect from years ago decided to put a door between the kitchen and the back stairs, rendering the footsteps of those who trudge in nearly inaudible to those peacefully asleep at the other end of the house.

As fas as how long we will have a DJ for on the night of our splendid affair, I'm really torn. We already have some live music that will provide lovely entertainment during the ceremony and part of the reception, but I really think at some point we should add some recorded music; while it doesn't mean that much to dear Michael, since he hasn't really been able to hear music since he was about 18, it means a lot to me. And there are definitely some songs that I would be let down if I didn't hear at my wedding.

The question is, how long should I have a DJ? I really won't need one for too terribly long. Being a weekday, everyone will want to get home to their responsibilities as soon as they can after honoring us. What would be appropriate then? Two hours? Three hours? Certainly no more than four. St. Cecelia's closes at around 11:00 pm, so to start four hours earlier would be pretty much right after dinner. I would be happy with gentle harp serenading the assembly while we ate, then getting into the full swing of dancing and requests afterwards...I will just have to run all of this by Rich Swoveland, DJ, and Michael.

Meanwhile, we are getting pretty stone-like blue/green tiles put into the bathroom at long last today. There have been many delays, and no doubt it's still going to be hard on the men transporting and placing several hundred pounds of durable, textured tile, but darn it, we've had a pretty rough time dealing with only a partially finished bathroom for weeks:(

And I've got a delicious dinner planned for the slow cooker, which will also make it torturous for the handymen, but we've all got to eat, and I just happen to be a pretty good cook. When the house is finished I will play the part of Francis Mayes in Under the Tuscan Sun and make my hard working construction gurus a very nice dinner. Until then, they will just have to deal with it, and hopefully know that it only reflects how much I love my future husband.


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