Sugar and Spice on a dreamy Fall Night

Hello! You can't imagine the busy-ness factor around here, nor the stress and the constant whirring of a brain trying to deal with the  infintesimal minutia of planning a wedding and major construction while trying not to haul off and commit atrocities;) It's hard to remember to eat, let alone contribute to my splendid blog.

Thankfully, every once in a while there are quiet moments when my fiance and I just drift into different parts of the house to do our own thing, and this allows me the peace of mind to finally drift onto wedding topics. My favorite thing.

The best thing is when we are able to decide on something together, and accomplish it with one deft stroke and a deep sigh. Today, it was wedding cake flavors and shape.

I'm going to selfishly hide the details so there will be surprise at the reception. But just to tease you I will say that my colors of green and brown (honoring the fact that we "brought each other to life" so to speak) are well represented,  and that my choices were based on making myself and my groom--as well as my beloved guests--as cozy and comfortable as possible.

Before this cake indulgence we had our teeth cleaned at the dentist across the street; how's that for irony? We had also had to endure the delinquency of minors riding bikes past us on the sidewalk as we tried to talk, screeching and cackling like obnoxious little hyenas, totally lost in their own world.

There was also a courtesy visit to a friend of Michael's in the old apartment complex. She is very sweet and spirited, but bears a bit of a chip on her shoulder, and listening to her complaints is kinda like a second teeth cleaning:( Still, it was good to see her, and get an update on what's been happening. Apparently the complex is going through MAJOR construction as well, and everyone is being shuffled from one apartment to another like old furniture in need of storage, while all these changes happen.

We counted our blessings as we left that place, then proceeded to a very filling lunch and the smell of a confectioner's shop...dreamy!


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