A Cheerful Flame

Isn't it wonderful to be vindicated? To have even a small suspicion confirmed? Well tonight I finished a book that confirmed what I have long suspected; living with some one missig one sense not only sharpens theirs, but yours as well.

Part of the clarity in my left ear suffered from music cranked up way too loud when I was an angsty teenager, trying to drown out my inner demons. But in my right ear, it seems everything is sharper and clearer--not just clearer than Michael's, but clearer than I even thought:) It seems I am, for lack of a better phrase, "hearing for two."

The book that taught me such thigs are possible is called The Lantern, by Deborah Lawerenson, and it's a fun little read. I enjoy novels that take me away to a different world, and this semi-fictional novel does that marvelously, back to the Provence region of France in the early-mid 20th Century, telling the life story of a blind woman who found her calling creating perfumes. Her sense of smell was highly advanced because of her absent sight, of course.

Her younger sister "sees for her", and even describes how she begins to see things more acutely, because she is seeing for two.

It was amazing to pick up on this as I read, and made me proud that something described in a novel could happen to me:)

Also tonight by pure serendipity I unpacked a green glass candle lantern with an apple-scented candle in it. As it burns, filling the air with warm homeyness, I'm reminded of how much Michael loves scented candles, and now I know why; in his nearly-silent world, the sight and smell of a friendly candle sending delicious odors into the air provides comfort and reassurance, as well as a cheerful flame. Now as I add understanding as well, we broaden each other's worlds.The Lantern


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