Riders on the Storm

Well, we signed with the DJ finally on Friday. He understood our "Old Celtic" theme, and appreciated our reasons for placing the date on a Wednesday, and he wasn't phased by the fact that we chose "Halloween." Once we explained that the date has nothing to do with Halloween, of course:)
We came back from bringing our wedding closer to reality and beauty and the AC was completely out, as it had always  been since we moved in. We hadn't noticed yet, of course, but  now it had reached a crisis. Michael's heart started beating very fast, pounding out of his chest, and I was absolutely terrified.

Long story short, crisis managed.  One chamber of Michael's heart had "gone rogue" so to speak and gone into a rhythm of its own choosing, which I'm guessing is why we both could feel it, but Michael was responsive and almost cheerful the whole time.

One of the parts I loved about his profile on the dating website was that he seemed to have the very same approach to having a chronic problem as I do. Scared as he was, and he's told me he was petrified (as anyone with a heart problem is; I can personally vouch for that), Michael was helpful with the EMTs, cooperative and trying to do exactly what they said. I've been in exactly the same situation.

This incident has also made us better friends with our closest neighbors, retirees who came out and asked about Michael when the EMTs brought him outside, and offered to give me a ride to the hospital.
Heart problems get priority in any ER, and this particular hospital specializes in treating the heart, so we were in and out--as much as one can be in and out of the hospital. Five minutes after we got home  I was on the phone to a heating and cooling company his mother uses. Dropping her name and the fact that we're related actually greased some wheels, and 24 hours later, even on this holiday weekend, we have lovely, refreshing, heavenly cool air. The temporary fix applied today won't last forever, but hopefully by then we'll have the money to replace the entiire unit with a brand new model; at this time the best we could afford was to polish the fossil--for lack of a better term:( Oh well! That's better than enduring another day in this satanic heat, and tomorrow is forecast to be extremely hot.

I don't care! I had forgotten how wonderful air conditioning really feels. I baked something earlier in a kitchen that did not get too hot, and I've settled in with my pjs and slippers to have a treat while Michael's on his computer and I tidy up, watching Beauty and the Beast. Life goes on, dear readers!


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