My Wedding Week

What I happily called "my wedding week" this time last year is coming to an end. It's been a sometimes-miserable, sometimes-joyous, frequently-stressed-with-a-number-of-happy-moments-sprinkled-in kind of week.

I was surprised and elated to discover that there exists a copy of the Deed for my house specifically denoting the transfer of home ownership to me in the event of Mikel's death. The city of Grand Rapids, who sent the letter, proceeded to tell me to buy a certified copy of the Deed, but I'm not sure I need to. I got one, obviously, when we closed on the house. Maybe there's an even more official option I could pay to have sent to me, and I gladly will, as soon as my bank account allows:)

There are a number of bills due in the coming weeks that will likewise have to wait; they are staring at me from the kitchen table every moment of the day! I'm trying not to be too concerned about that though. The money will come. If not, I'll figure something out, I'm sure. Thank goodness I now know I can take care of whatever comes up, and nothing will be so devastating that I won't overcome it; any death makes you grow up by light years. I first realized that when my dad died five years ago.

Then on Wednesday there was the tragedy of having my face smashed in with the fact that I am a fiance-less fiance, who never got to see her day or wear the dress, which is now long gone anyway. That was horrible; I could barely spend two hours out of bed that morning! But at last the night time came, bringing with it throngs of trick-or-treaters!

They all wore their costumes so proudly; I made sure to compliment at least one in every group, and especially the brave loners:) I was astonished when I had run out of bags of mini pretzels in just an hour! But fortunately my aunt and grandmother had come up from my old hometown to console me. Each of them had gotten a wedding invitation of course, and they were both full of support and concern.

The three of us enjoyed a delicious dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant, then went off to spend the night at a hotel, where my grandmother surprised the bejeezus out of me by paying for a night with her credit card rewards! It was a delightful night's sleep, and we were all up and at 'em by 7:00 Thursday morning. Off we went to breakfast, where I tried something new that was beyond delicious:) Here it is Friday, and I'm sick to my stomach with concern over whether or not I rushed into getting another dog. I love Yoshi, but there are a lot of issues I didn't realize when I got him, and I feel like I'm too old to deal with them. Imagine 31 being too old! But I think of the two of us, it's much more accurate to say I've aged seven for every one year. By that count I'm a grandmother raising a baby, and I am definitely not up to that.

But last night I went through all of Mikel's old pictures, and found a tiny little one I cut out and put securely in the locket Mom got me for our however many anniversaries I celebrate alone, I'll always have a picture of his smile to cheer me up.


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