Rambling, Wondering...

Over a week of getting up early and having productive days! I hope I don't jinx it by "saying that out loud"; tomorrow is (finally) Saturday.

But there are a lot of things I'd like to get done when my Mom comes to visit. For some reason it's never stuck with me when I've watched others replace my thermostat filter. I bought a new one the other day that I'm going to insist we put in my place tomorrow! But it might also rain, so we'll have to spend all of our time in doors. We usually do anyway, shopping and going out to lunch, so that won't be too hard. Today on the other hand is brilliant, and wouldn't you know I have to call Medicare?

That means God knows how long on the phone, waiting and then trying to make the disembodied voices understand me. It's not always easy; they have always helped me, but sometimes I've had to be speak--er--rather deliberately to them. That's been happening more often than usual lately, and I'm starting to worry if it's just me.

I always try to be polite and sweet with people, but I also try to have the influence I had when I had Mikel with me to drive the point home. As an individual I don't have as much clout, and it's making me very forlorn. Of course I try not to let it get me too down, to power past the elephant in the room and be as forceful and direct as I can be, trying to make who ever it is take me just as seriously as they would have, but that's rare.

Can it just be me? I mean, am I doing something wrong? This election and its result have brought all my concerns front and center. It seems I'm fending off attacks from disappointed voters left and right! And there's only so much I can--or will--ignore. Certain things strike a cord, and I just have to respond, which creates drama. When will I learn?

Oh it's painful to be in your own head so much all the time:) I've got a million thoughts and aspirations, just like everyone I suppose. Well, there are some people who I seriously doubt have much going on in their brains at all:) But most people are thinkers just like me, and in the end the ultimate desire of everyone is just to be at peace. What I wouldn't give...but then I remember the East Coasters who've recently had their entire lives wiped away or are still without power and looking at the rest of the month without it. I imagine they've been doing some heavy bargaining with the Powers That Be for a little peace in their own lives. And they certainly deserve it.

I spent a significant chunk of my formative years in very northern New Jersey; they are (most of them) such good people.

This has turned into more of a rambling entry than I intended. Suffice it to say that I have concerns, but life goes on. For me as it does for everyone, and I hope someday we all find our way back to happiness.


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