From the Underground...

It's been so long; I missed writing! Alas, I haven't gotten around to getting my computer issues resolved yet:( It involves me taking one bus to the transit center then another bus from there, computer in tow and I'm not looking forward to it! Especially not since I rode the City bus for the first time in a long time today, and while the experience was hardly any worse than it usually is, it wasn't..pleasant. And just an aside--NOBODY likes it. Some people might think those who ride it do so because they prefer it--NOPE! It's just a means to an end. I avoid it if there's any way I possibly can. Not having a computer at my convenience has kind of depressed me, I guess. I've spent much of the last two weeks on the couch watching Netflix. And I'm writing this entry in the public library's bank of computers which is also an experience I try not to have too often. I love having the option (one librarian responded to my saying this out loud with 'we love having you!'), especially since my apartment is so peaceful without my laptop at my service, staring at me, demanding to know why I'm not writing. I'd almost prefer to keep it that way, except that I need to be able to order groceries online before it starts snowing. I had no problem doing that one time, last week, after church while the weather was decent. The roads were clear to walk on and free of ice and snow. But I have a suspicion that I won't ALWAYS want to trudge through a wintry mix to place a Shipt order! I'm just guessing...since I would also have to walk down a hill to get back to my building. Rest assured, I'll get around to fixing my "home unit" sooner or later. I'm just not in any hurry. On a happy note, I went to a part of town that is RIFE with jay walkers, earlier today. A place that usually makes me feel almost like I should break my personal rule of "no jay walking; wait at the lights for the sign." And found that they've put in a cross walk all the way across two lanes and a median, complete with the little raised bumps so the visually impaired can tell when the street ends and the safe to cross area begins:) It made me SO happy! If I've seen it before on a previous visit, I'd entirely forgotten; isn't that a great side effect of getting older?! You forget things so seeing them is a lovely surprise. Side note: I did have birthday recently. I'm not THAT old, but I don't even mind that I'm THIS old. Youth was wasted on me. I didn't know how to take advantage of it, or make the most of it, or even seize it. So many of my young years were spent in and out of the hospital or recovering. It was exhausting. And I didn't have the awareness to enjoy being young. How could I, when I wasn't healthy OR happy? So I'm just making the most of what I have, which is going quite well; it was worth the wait. Until next time, lovelies! If I don't have the comp repaired by next Thursday, I'll do another of these "remote" entries:)


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