
Happy Thursday, Lovelies! Took a little break from the regime on Sunday...not much to report. But here we are back on schedule, and the sun is trying to shine:) It's trying. We had a little rain this morning, like we do...but nothing remarkable. I always think of the effect rain will have on the "complicated" workings of my walker, which is old and clunky enough that I COULD swap it out for the one I've got in reserve...but I'm used to the one I have. So used to it I'm willing to put up with its growing number of idiosyncrasies. The damp air might wreak havoc on the metal parts, letting things slowly rust until I can't fold the darn thing up to save my LIFE. It may make a clunking noise as I push it, a far cry from the steady whoosh the tires used to make when they weren't bald--four years and many hundreds of miles ago. And that idiotic bell I've put on it to get people's attention when I need to pass through them--that may ring just through everyday jostling along the uneven roads. BUT...the devil we know FAR outweighs the devil we don't, am I right? Why is that? Why do I think like that?! I, who firmly believes in the absolute truth that life begins outside our comfort zones. I, who's been far and near, all over the place--more or less alone? I guess when the chips are finally down and the hand called, a lot of that bluster was just a bluff. Seeing new places, trying new things, venturing out on a rainy day that looks for all the world like it's about to rain MORE any second--that was for the young me. This "me" likes her familiarity, and the old jalopy she drives:) Some day soon I'll switch to the one with smaller wheels; it'll have to happen eventually. But don't ask me to change when it's raining...


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