Unto every Life...

Hello Lovelies:) The rain. The April/May Showers. They do not seem to be ending. At least not for any appreciable length of time, any time soon:( Seems like they started Monday and just rolled on and on. Which is probably what happened, although don't ask me; I've been forced to "maintain" pretty much exclusively indoors this week. Though yesterday afternoon-evening I did briefly force myself out of exile to get a few groceries and see a movie ("The Russian Five", about hockey; I'm a die-hard fan). This morning I woke up and everything was as wet and gray as it's always been! I have some groceries I want to order for delivery, but I'm holding off until my "Government stipend" as I refer to it euphemistically--arrives tomorrow. That will make my bank account just a tiny bit healthier, which will make me just a tiny bit happier, though honestly not by much:( One little financial issue popped up yesterday; unfortunately without my knowledge until the banks had been closed for an hour. So this morning I was forced to "adult" far earlier and to a far greater degree than I anticipated:( Such is life. But things are not all bad. While there's no satisfying, exciting thunder in the REAL rain outside, there's plenty in the recording I'm listening to...sort of living vicariously. And the rain makes everything sleepier and cozier; I just want to curl up in bed all day. I'm sure we ALL would, so we could let the rain sing us to sleep. Alas, this entry's not going to be as long as I thought. I'd been trying to stretch it out and make it "juicier" for you all, but the wind is entirely out of these sails:( We'll try again Sunday, when the forecast (at least for now) is brilliant!


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