
Hello Lovelies! Forgive my long, long absence. The holidays have descended on my life in full force! Also seasonal depression, which I found out recently is almost unique to the Midwest. Way out west (Alaska), the prolonged darkness just makes a person a little stir crazy, and out East they're very used to a daily, snowy, icy struggle. The European countries plunged in darkness are an entirely different story; the Danish are some of the happiest people in the world, for mastering the art of hygge (hoogah) living; coziness among the discomfort:) But I digress! Let me expound on the image I included in this entry. It is my very LEAST favorite patch of sidewalk downtown. Doesn't it look like the crags were DESIGNED to be there? Like whoever made the street said "let's give 'em another challenge". They put the least even, most insultingly broken piece of sidewalk right where pedestrians are BOUND to go. And at the moment it's even right before an art studio, though of course who knows how long that will stay. So much for the culturally lacking becoming any LESS so on THAT street:( Not to mention, there are many parts of the city that also provide culture, but you have to brave the shattered sidewalk. No museums or art galleries for anybody. Who needs an "Indiana Jones"-esque test of honor just to get to the public library? The Modern Art museum? For now, I'm willing to endanger my walker's stability by driving right through that horror-scape. But in the coming months, when it's covered with ice and snow, I foresee a lot more staying in and avoiding this kind of challenge. Which is excellent news for my blog!


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