A Step Back

Hello Blog, Well the bulk of the interim between last entry and this have been consumed by a monster cold or virus or something, that has completely negated my sleep patterns and made it impossible for me to get much of anything useful done:( Honestly, the laundry's piling up, and the things I plan to fill every day with either get pushed to the next day and the next day until they are finally accomplished or, as in the case of a few monthly meetings, I skip all together to avoid going out in this weather and possibly making myself even worse. I hate it when I get like this! But other than forcing myself to get showered and perfumed and dressed every day, I'm not sure what else I can do. Waiting for the spring to return to my step has also given me time to think about my whole letter writing campaign. I'm starting to think it's a waste of energy to write and send letters, particularly to all 14 congressmen and women in the state. I've heard from a few sources that actually calling the congressman from your district is the best way to get them to pay attention. And there we hit a snag; I'm very reluctant to talk on the phone. To anyone. In this day and age of texting and sending messages on Facebook (and let's not forget Twitter, though I don't have an account), it's only too easy to just write your thoughts out. I can even edit them before I send them and make a bad impression with an error! It's a safety net I must learn to get over if I'm going to really accomplish anything. Meanwhile there's the growing terror I'm experiencing, watching things unfold in Washington exactly as they did in my nightmares a year ago. Anxiety from this has ALSO made sleep a difficulty. I find myself tossing and turning and feeling completely alone in the world. Of course there are those in my life who will rush to correct me on that one; I know I'm not alone. And in fact I also know I'm not the only one with these kinds of emotions battling each other inside her. I have to remind myself that life goes on and times DO change. As my minister said while the Republican and Democratic candidates were still campaigning, "even if your 'nightmare candidate' wins, their time WILL end..." Along the same lines, I know the time has come for the antiquated laws surrounding Disability Rights to come crumbling down-- it's PAST time.


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