The Latest

Well, it looks like I'm going to have to start digging. Just spoke to a local advocacy group and they were very sympathetic, but unable to provide much in the way of legal help:( They, like I, didn't even really know where to start a project like mine. Changing the laws? Well, we've all got to roll up our sleeves and get dirty for some reason. Some people devote their energies to marriage and family, which unfortunately I can't legally do unless I want to be rid of the money I use to survive. How this is conducive to a happy, healthy, productive society I can only guess:) It's about time somebody said something about it, in my opinion. Clearly no one else has. I hate to think of "my people" as living their lives as victims, but when the government of your country itself is "othering" you, making you not the same as everyone else in the country just so they can put limits on your behavior, I'm sure it's easy enough to feel victimized. So the latest is that the struggle continues. It's gotten a little further along; it might be just lurching forward by inches for quite some time. But my army of sympathizers is growing...there's always hope.


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