
Before the entire world, one man swore to uphold the rights and responsibilities of the Constitution of the United States of America as its president. NOW, he is systematically tearing ALL of that down. Closing boarders, refusing entry into the US from every country EXCEPT those where he maintains a business relationship despite its obvious and flagrant conflict of interest with his Office. People have told him he can not legally, ethically or constitutionally do something, and he just thumbs his nose at them! He turns his back and does whatever he pleases, no matter what the consequences. How can a man like THIS be allowed to hold the office of the Presidency? I didn't start this blog thinking politically; I had no intention of spewing my beliefs as a Democrat when I started "My Re-Imagined Life." But how can I ignore this? In just two short days, the baby son of my twin sister and her husband is due to light this world. How can I sit idly by, imagining the joy he'll bring this drab little corner, and watch one man destroy the entire world as I've known it since long before a baby was due? My generation has just stepped over the divide between learning from past history and creating some of its own. We can not just let this happen. I am losing sleep. I am terrified. Something has to end this tyranny before it goes too far.


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