Drawing a Line

Hello Lovelies! A "glimmer" is the opposite of a "downer" moment in our day to day lives--some little thing that makes our day, several times a day. Sometimes it's seeing a fluffy bumblebee or a hummingbird collecting pollen from one of the flowers outside my window. Sometimes it's something I hear about on the news, sometimes it's something a friend says in a text or message that makes me smile "for no reason", at random intervals, throughout the day. Today I would even include this gusty breeze coming in through my open window; it's so reminiscent of Fall! Or even Spring, which is actually my favorite season. Today I thought I would bring another talent to your attention who is surely a glimmer moment by himself every day of his life to those around him. The signs and the talent of my beloved Disabled Community are literally EVERYWHERE; you just have to be willing to see it. Allow me to open your eyes to Trent! Trent is a Tik Tok figure with some mental and physical challenges. Those who love him have helped him build an amazing outlet for his talent, which is carefully but masterfully drawing simple funny drawings of just about anything people write in and request! It's really fascinating to see. Trent came to MY attention because short videos of him creating these drawings began to surface in my Reels, which led me to do more research into his world. Here is the link to his website: https://drawingsbytrent.com/ There's a LOT to explore! His Reels are viewable on Facebook and Tik Tok, but I'm sharing one here as well; it's the cutest thing. And I love the way Trent says what they are! Something about it; "too fast" and not entirely intelligible, but you can understand him. His mind is just so full of thoughts and methods his speech can't keep up. Let me tell you, Lovelies, I. Have been. There. I suspect we ALL have at one point or another, just that with "normal" or "neurotypical" individuals it comes off more as excitement or animation or passion about a subject. With people whose look even has a little something extra, or their speech sounds a little less melodious or whatever--it comes off all too often as "other." To send you on this glimmery day, my personal favorite of his Reels, showcasing Trent's sweet, genuine personality and how much he is loved: https://www.facebook.com/reel/6893137544031093


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