Post-Adventure! Feeling Seen

Hello Lovelies! I've just been across the country, this time NOT on the train. But it was a wonderful and perspective-gaining trip. The following bit of levity is from weeks and weeks ago, but I choose to post it now. It's about how much it means to us when we're included. Loved, accepted, truly enfolded in all that's going on. My favorite part is how touched the comedian seems to be that what he THOUGHT might be a cause for conflict--was received with love. This is what we should all strive for, in my opinion. Because it turns out, Lovelies, that everyone in the world. Every. Single. One. Needs to feel included, accepted, seen, appreciated, heard, respected and loved. I made a comment on this reel about how the Disabled love to be treated like everyone else, that there's something about it that touches our very being. It was liked by the comedian himself (I like to believe), and that touched ME like nothing has in well over a year. Turns out I'm teachable, evolving, and maturing against my will and without my knowledge. And to my complete astonishment, the Universe sees it and is sending me love.


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