Timely! Because when Gabe says a sheet is a costume...

Hello Lovelies! This warmed my cold-weather-come-early heart. The wind outside is blustery, it's basically been raining for the last two days, but this made all of that go away. I love how in response to his brother's question of what the sheet is, Gabe replies like a Minion from the animated movies--and you totally understand him, the same way those little yellow dudes are understandable:) "Mucomb" could easily be "costume", right? You get it. Which gives me new appreciation for "Minions" movies both standalone and otherwise, in terms of representation. They show people who think that vocal expression can only be one way--that there are other ways. You don't have to understand the words to know what they're saying. Such a simple thing, but look how it affects us! And representation isn't the only good thing about Minions. They are presented as workers, with purpose and drive and things to contribute. Such is ANY disabled person, we discover through animated characters...even somebody different is the same:) Everybody wants to have an impact, and that is like we're all trying to do. For some of us (like the woman trying to increase her blog readership) that impact doesn't seem tremendous. But we never know. Love has a "butterfly affect" of making waves far and wide, even if we have no idea of it. I especially love how Gabe's brother tries to protest at first, saying it's too early and not even Halloween and so on, but Gabe kisses him on the nose, which ends the discussion. https://www.facebook.com/reel/565192569053208


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