A Little Boost

Hello Lovelies! Back safely from my quick trip to visit family and make memories. The trip itself was shortened, but extremely sweet. I spent a lot of time with all my favorite people, and then the crawling trip BACK was also enjoyable! This is a bit of a surprise, considering it started with a 5:30 AM wake-up, continued with a 5-hour layover, and ended with an arrival home at exactly Midnight. I want to share this happy post from Facebook as encouragement. Prior to my adventure I had felt lost, searching for myself and kind of just stumbling around in my little circle of the world flirting with everyone and trying to find wholeness from the distinct disadvantage-point (is that a word?) of a traumatized adult with large, barely closed emotional scars. This meme assured me that I'm exactly where and in the condition I need to be. I am not, in fact, AT a disadvantage at all:)


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