A Twin for Twinning

Hello Lovelies! I'm so flattered to see the views of my little posts going up:) I have been trying to add content more regularly than I used to; it's quite easy to find. Below I've included a Reel that made me smile. As a twin myself, I used to hate it when my parents dressed us alike, but the joy and genuine pride on THIS pair of faces when they "twin"--warms my heart. I thought we should all see it, since it reinforces an idea I think we all need to get used to. Number one, there is no "standard." We're all individual, we're all special, nobody is a perfect mirror. Number 2, that's wonderful, and we need to celebrate it. https://www.facebook.com/reel/864088035345839 Update! Facebook saw my assertion that we are all the same and raised me a Bible verse:


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