Interaction Means Inclusion!

Hello Lovelies! I thought I'd share the very coolest thing I've seen recently, this time to do with our friend Molly Burke and her physical challenges. The lady is certainly living her life to the fullest, and enjoying every second of what it has to offer! In the process she's teaching all of us, including me, an I thought I'd pass it along. Just look at her joy! It's amazing to see. And such a delight, as an art-lover myself, to know that she has this available. A little online investigating, and I wasn't able to find the name of the exact gallery, but I found that immersive galleries are a huge thing right now, particularly in the bigger cities. My own medium-sized town had the Van Gogh exhibit not long ago. I had the chance to go but it was on a day much windier even than this, and it can be quite a challenge to navigate the walker through wind. I often feel like I'm fighting for an inch of purchase on the windy street, engaging my arms AND my core in the struggle to advance. So I chickened out. In exchange for my own opinion on immersive art, I have found a list of the best options in New York: Really exciting, to see how art is branching out to meet people where they are and bring them into the fold. As much love as I'll always have for 2-D art, art that envelopes you and makes you part of the experience is really fascinating. And the exhibit that Burke reviews even allows you to be part of creating, whihc is so exciting! Imagine if you were a non-verbal Autistic individual with limited ways of expressing yourself. Going into a gallery where you can create by touching the walls would be life-changing! Or by making something happen just by stepping on the ground--imagine! Of course I'll allow that this might also be overwhelming for somebody unused to so much color and light, but it's exciting to think about it. How lovely for everyone that a concept as simple as this exists, and they can make art part of everyone's world--even a woman who would probably not get as much out of a traditional museum!


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