Am I Alone?

Hello Lovelies, happy Sunday! It's gorgeous and sunny, which reminds me that recently remarked to a friend: "too much sun depresses me." Once my doctor told me that too much sun IS one of the depressors listed as possible for people nowadays. So I guess that tells me what I wanted to know, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. Does too many beautiful days in a row bring you down? Do you fight the urge (as I am currently) to draw the curtains, crawl back into bed, turn off all the lights and sleep until the moon comes up? JUst now I found myself worrying about all the plants in my front yard, thinking I need to get out there and water them. But I know from experience that it's better to do even THAT after the sun has gone down. I guess the take away is that EVERYTHING is worth waiting until the night time to accomplish. Or that I'm nocturnal. If you could see my skin tone, lovelies, that would be the first thing that came to your mind:) There's just something about the gratuitous sunlight I take issue with. I don't mind one sunny day a week; that's fine. I start getting anxiety if it rains for too long, worrying about a flooded crawl space or the power going out. Other than that though, if we could just keep the cloud cover going and the blazing sun to a minimum, that would be great. That's my humble opinion; anyone else agree?


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