Fear Paralysis

Lovelies, I'm broken. Every day is a fight against myself standing in my own way. At 40-freaking-One, here I sit and struggle to get through every day, scared to death. And this fear makes me broken. Afraid of failure, but VERY afraid of success. What would I DO with success?! How would I handle it if things suddenly WORKED OUT? Very little in my life to this point has ever worked out. I've gotten used to keeping my head down and striving only for the finish line, not to make a splash while I'm striving. And therein lies the rub. If I don't get out of my own way, I never WILL succeed. But I will also never be happy, yea though I completely expect to fail:( The trick of it is to get comfortable taking risks, like I did in 2020 when I moved. That was the last BIG risk I've taken, and the time since has absolutely flown. But I've felt absolutely stagnant:( Enclosed is a video addressing some of this fear--the feeling of inadequacy, the negative self-talk that prevents us from being what we need to be to find that elusive happiness that lies inside the hornets' nest of risk. Start where you are. Get out of your own way. https://www.facebook.com/reel/985075949463579


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