Barring a miracle...

Well, my life hasn't changed. Unless there was some miscommunication between me and the interviewers--in which case it would be "on them" to keep calling me UNTIL we got in touch--no new job for me:( Even so, I called THEM today, on the advice of a newish friend, and left a message with one of the interviewers to let me know either way. No word! So I guess that means there's still a chance? But I'm not going to sit by the phone and wait forever. I told her to call my cell phone, and I've made plans to be out tomorrow and Friday. It's a let down, and I will be disappointed with myself for not "nailing it"--for a few days. But there are so many positives! I learned how to walk to the place I would love to work, I learned how NOT to interview, I brushed up on my cover letter and resume skills, found several great new places down town to hang out, and best of all, by the grace of God, I am financially "okay" even without this job that I was a little nervous about my ability to hold down anyway. And I had told a friend from church I was "fully expecting to NOT get [the job]", so no harm, no foul. It was a learning experience. And now I can re-focus on the blog that I've gotten such positive feedback about, and have lately been kind of ignoring, 'cause I was so anxious to hear about this job! And as the seasons are changing, there's a "cold" snap coming, starting with a little rain tonight (I hope, but it's been so windy today it might blow by us per usual), and highs in the low 70s the rest of the week and weekend. Which is excellent timing for me; a friend I haven't seen in a while just asked me to go with her on a road trip to one of quaint little nearby towns tomorrow! Good riddance, hot muggy Summer with your sunburn and your mosquito bites! I've already started enjoying Fall. And it's SO pleasant. Yes, one little disappointment that really shouldn't surprise me--considering how long it's been since yours truly was in the work force--kind of pales in comparison to all the other things I've got going on! And for the record, I don't think they were immediately put off by the sight of my walker. Unlike most OTHER potential employers I've encountered, to their enormous credit, my interviewers seemed to take it in stride. The only trouble was that I wouldn't have been able to go up and down stairs, and that probably sealed my fate right then. But fortunately, life goes on!


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