Doing What I Can

Scheduled my intense PT sessions, every other week until well into the Fall, then went to church to volunteer...only to discover I was crashing a funeral!:( Me in a red sun dress; sweltering in the heat. Sheesh! But it's not like I was in among the mourners; I was working in the narthex outside of the sanctuary where the funeral was, so nobody saw me. Plus, since I didn't DARE be seen by everyone in black, grieving the loss of their beloved family member on this hotter-than-can-be-described day, I rushed through my work like the building was on fire! I was secretly delighted to be done so quickly; I practically skipped home (as much as I could), and took advantage of the air conditioning that surrounds me:) Come to think of it, I should have known something was "up" at church the moment I went in. A large amount of cars in the parking lot isn't always the best sign that something's going on; this being a busy area and my church being a busy one, it's not unusual to see lots of people around it. Going in though...the AC should have been an indication! I know from previous experience that the AC isn't always on in the lobby during the week, or else it's on very sparingly. I was just so happy to feel it after my brief walk from home, I settled right down to my work. Then I was told there was a funeral going on, and I DID offer to make my exit:) In retrospect I probably should have done that. But I'm glad I stayed and diligently finished up. Here comes the normal routine again! Pretty soon it'll be cool enough that I can run errands and not feel exhausted, the way I do so often in this heat.


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