
Just ran into a neighbor and partner who are both pretty different. I've known and liked them since I moved in, but I'm pretty aware that they don't strike others as a "traditional" couple. But I've never given it much thought. They're just my neighbors. And they'll probably be in this building longer than I! But there are those who can't handle "different." Especially in an area of the world that tends to be pretty homogenous and conservative, there are always the bad apples. Somebody acted out against my neighbor, calling him names; and I caught him coming into the building RIGHT after the incident. His silent but equally kind boyfriend rode up on the elevator with us, and at their floor my neighbor held the door and told me how much he appreciated that I've always been nice to him. At the time of course I made light of it, and just told him "I try!" And put it into the back of my mind. It's had time to stew in the back of my mind for a few hours now, as I've been trying to have a peaceful evening...and I've come to some conclusions. First, what if it had been somebody like me, who uses a mobility aid and couldn't outrun his attacker? And while I suspect this was a targeted attack and therefore no evidence that this area in general is violent, I just hope it doesn't escalate. Finally I wonder why so many people out there think it's "okay" to treat people unlike them any way they want to. Who gave them permission? I hope my neighbor is okay. Though physically he looked fine to me, I just worry that this will haunt him. It certainly would haunt ME. But tomorrow he's going to have to go on with his life as if nothing ever happened, as if everything is fine and he doesn't even remember! Reminds me so much of when Ableism rears its ugly head in my life. People disrespect us and think it's okay, treat us like we don't exist, look past us, talk over us--and we have to just smile and laugh it off--to put THEM at ease. So we seem "normal" and might get treated like human beings.


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