...and another thing!

One more thing I want to mention is that THIS friend did a courteous thing while we were walking. She matched my pace! I know it's small and maybe insignificant, but not for me. So few people consider this simple act of kindness "not that important" any more, but let me tell you...you come across as rude. I mean, once in a while it's natural for people's paces to deviate. Maybe one person is more eager to get where you're going that YOU are, or something. But mostly; I feel like it's people telling me they're embarrassed to be out with me, they feel like I should "step up my game" and match THEIR pace no matter HOW long their legs are:( So yeah, in an era where it seems like common decency is null and void (and a guy I met in the elevator agrees with me); it's better to walk beside each other. Be kind. Don't leave us behind!


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