Home Safe!

Good Afternoon, Lovelies! Got home extremely late last night/extremely early this morning--a little bit later than planned thanks to Amtrak:( For a while there it seemed like we were speeding up and we'd make up for lost time...but not so. We got in at exactly 11:49. Thank God for the Go Bus I called two days ago! He waited for my train, helped me load up, and got me home eventually (though thanks to the eternal construction, we took a couple detours). Then I got to sleep off my wonderful-yet-tiring trip a little this morning. The thing I remember the most was Amtrak's idea of "accessibility ramps"--a bouncy little metal ramp they unfold and lay across the gap between the car floor and the platform. Nice to have access, but a little unnerving having to cross that rickety thing with my walker laden with luggage and a snack for the train! Oh the things we put up with! Tonight though, I'm right back to my routine, volunteering with young adults near my apartment. It's a nice night, and then maybe a late dinner or something:) Now you're all caught up. I was right about my family; they took excellent care of me and everyone else in need off assistance at the reunion! We had fun and made some serious memories that will stick with us all a long time--including the prospect of future adventures!


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