Foot Notes

I did some Google sleuthing (I call it bullet biting when I Google an ailment), and turns out the very annoying pain that is also very painful, but seems to come from nowhere and nothing on my left foot MIGHT be a Morton's Neuroma! Yep; they have a name for it. A heretofore "old lady" name I never would have thought would befall ME, but: -- The pain centralized on the pad of the foot between my third and fourth toes. -- It's a pinched nerve, which WebMD just calls a build-up of tissue around the nerves, which is EXACTLY what I'm feeling; not a wart or a corn or anything like that. -- It's right at the base of a toe I have that (after years of walking way up on my toes and wearing ill-fitting shoes) is curled like a freakin' Cheeto, which I have also learned through research is called a "hammer toe." Of course I'd heard the name, but until now I've never known what it was. Glad I finally do. -- WebMD also says that hammer toes can LEAD to pinched nerves/Morton's Neuroma. So all of this is common, and I am just happy I know what it is, and that I might not even NEED to go to a doctor. It started feeling much, much better as soon as I massaged it really firmly; had to get through some thick skin! So maybe just the home remedies they mentioned, "heat and cold, massage, etc..." will save me a trip to El Doctor. And of course drinking lots of water, since water is pretty much the cure for every ailment:) At least in this Hydrocephalic's experience! *Have I mentioned yet I was born with Hydrocephalus (that's what caused the CP), and have two shunts? I've been told I was probably injured somehow before birth, and that caused the closed head injury that started all the trouble. I'm going to see if the pain is significantly lessened or gone by Monday, and if not I'll give a foot doctor a call:) Ha! the life of a girl who "walks funny":)


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