Deep Thoughts

Looking forward to the movie "date" I'm taking myself out on in a few hours! The rain isn't due here until 4 AM tomorrow morning; I figure I'll be fine walking to and from the theater. I'll be happy to do a little working out first, stretching especially! My feet have been hurting lately, punishing me for years of not paying enough attention to them:( But maybe it's not too late. Maybe I can still pamper my feet and ankles and make them serve me well for the rest of my life! A couple of years ago I stretched three times a day RELIGIOUSLY, and got my legs in pretty good shape! And my feet never hurt. So I'm just being careful and mindful of how I treat my poor little feet and the joints attached to them:) My hope is that an injury doesn't make me MORE disabled:( I know it's a reality for so many of the Disabled, but I (perhaps arrogantly) thought that in terms of getting my fair share--CP and the Hydrocephalus that caused it, as well as being legally blind and having some hearing loss would be enough for one person, and kind of insulate me from anything WORSE coming along later in life. If anything DOES develop, that would just be further proof that life is full of surprises. And I would learn to live with it however I could, knowing that of course, in the grand scheme of things, being "more disabled" could be a lot worse. Off I go! Perfect cloudy day to cozy into a movie at UICA's subterranean theater:)


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