
Phew! Finally back from quite an ambitious two 1/2 hours! Morning was productive and pleasant, safe within the confines of my apartment. Then I just HAD to do my civic duty and vote in the Michigan Primary election, which was easy enough since the polling place is very close. Then somehow, on my way to lunch afterward, the heat and all the grass clippings in the air got me befuddled, and I ended up so far from the lunch spot I'd planned on, I had to take a freakin' bus back! Which was actually fine, 'cause those things are air conditioned, and I'd been walking around a while, so it gave me a chance to cool off. And actually, kudos to the Powers That Be for making walker-accessible polling stations that are a little lower but still private; that kind of equality is what we need in our daily lives! Anyway, post-lunch, which was at a place with VERY heavy doors since it's located downtown and probably they just want to be extra cautious--here I am! Back to the base at last, writing to my readers:) And I thought I heard this morning that it just might cool down and rain a little around 3:00. I remain hopeful! Meanwhile there's the last of my reunion packing to do, and probably the ever-important afternoon nap as well:) The bus that picks me up to take me to the train--before the sun has risen I might add--is SO early I usually don't even try to sleep the night before. I'm too busy packing and feeling anxious about the trip to sleep anyway. As the great Kenny Loggins reminds us, "there'll be time enough for [sleepin']" when I'm where I need to be! And come tomorrow morning, that is not Grand Rapids:)


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