Early With Plans

Last night we had an amazing rain storm:) Finally. It's been at LEAST two weeks since we had any rain at all, and ALL summer since we've had a huge thunderstorm. Today is not going to be any cooler thanks to it; the high is still up near 90. But I've got plans to visit with a friend later, so I'm happy even though it is, as some members of my family would say, "hawt." Very, very hot indeed:) But I'm just happy my computer works! It spent all day in limbo, "resting" 'cause I think I've been on it way too often for way too long. It just got "overwhelmed." And it's happened before. Sigh...technology. But I've started doing stretches 2-3 times a day. I rest my feet on the window ledge beside my bed and lean across one leg at a time for a minute thirty seconds. It helps with the tightness in my tendons, which is heightened whenever there's rain. I think it might also be helping with that constant foot dragging that I deal with, though I can't say for sure. As a footnote to my "Foot Notes"--pinched nerves occur from wearing heels, and of COURSE! I've been "wearing heels" because of the way I walk since I was two years old. I walked late. But amazingly, after I've been massaging the muscles harshly for a few days, most of the pain is gone! And that's the news for now! Enjoy this hot, steamy day:)


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