Kind of Off-Topic But...

Of Course! The first step to applying for a job nowadays is certainly going to be "fill out the online application"! Of course. So that was one less thing I had to walk to in this heat, thank Heaven:) But I did get my application completed and sent off; I actually surprised myself with my own focus. So that's one more thing to wonder and worry about until I hear back from them either way--which may of course never happen. The way things are, it seems nobody feels an obligation to follow up on anything these days, least of all to let a girl know if she's hired or they're not interested! Actually though, I've more or less reconciled myself to a learning experience. In other words, I wouldn't be surprised and I'd actually EXPECT them to deny me. Which is fine, because there are a number of other positions available. I just thought I'd squeeze in an application to THIS place while the applying was good, if you know what I mean! The other good news from today was groceries delivered, which I woke up thinking would come early, but ended up not getting here until almost lunch time:( There was a silver lining to that though--guess who got a "sorry credit" on her account! 'Cause they felt bad for having to make me reschedule, and I'm a very good customer. As far as I'm concerned, they're doing ME all the favors when the deliver groceries I didn't have to go walk a mile around a store for, communicating well with me about everything I order, whether it needs a substitution because the exact brand isn't in stock, or whatever. It's very close to them "thinking" for me, which I appreciate So the rest of the day is bill paying, this being the first of the month and all. But there's a certain satisfaction in being able to PAY all my bills, so I am truly grateful for the opportunity! Speaking of which, with the time soaring by like it is, I'd better get right on it! Just wanted to update on the whole "potential job" situation:)


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