An A-HA Moment

Just did a trial "run" to my prospective workplace! Very beautiful and official-looking as I've known from having been there before, but also very close to parts of Grand Rapids that calm and inspire me:) So after I'd scoped out where I have to go for the interview, I was able to take a breath and enjoy a peaceful moment in the almost-cool, still kinda muggy surroundings:) It was unexpected; I so often think of downtown as an urban jungle. Turns out if you look for it, there is beauty to behold. This reminded me of the misconceptions so many people have about the Disabled--that if there's something physically lacking there MUST also be something mentally wrong. And vice versa, really. The injustice of it hit me again; so many people live in such small worlds. Like me with my concept of this area, really. Yes the section I live in boasts NO natural wonder at all. Yes the part I live in is very urban and unkempt. Not so just a few blocks away! Imagine if we saw people with the same wide lens. Run into one myopic individual one second, and see that he or she looks down on those who see the world differently than he, or thinks they are "less than" because they are not the same. Two minutes later you might encounter somebody who knows "the world is a rainbow", and the Disabled are just as worthy of respect and validation as anybody else. I find that kind of thing fascinating! And it's something I never get tired of exploring where I live. We are quite a diverse bunch, us downtowners:) Everyone outside our little niche might think the well-paved, well-landscaped areas of town represent the whole of it; of course there's another side! Just as there are many sides to every face you see on the street:) Meanwhile, I'm focused on preparing for the big event tomorrow. Just a little interview, just a part time job...but it's right in the beautiful artery of this city, and just the kind of life I have ALWAYS wanted to have! I wandered into a nearby building to "use the facilities" before I headed home; absolutely elegant and grand! I wouldn't be working THERE, even if I'm hired at the other building and they ask me to travel to other buildings the company owns. Still, just knowing this particular jewel-box of an office building would be part of my reality if I'm hired, made me very glad indeed I decided to do a little exploring today:) I know I'll sleep better tonight because of it. Earlier I read a review of the place I'll be interviewing. "Very elegant and professional," they observed. Exactly! Exactly what I've always sought, but literally NEVER imagined I'd find. Not for some one like me. I guess I'll have to revise my opinion of what kind of person I am! Especially if I get the job:)


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