Feeling Kinda Fiery

Just now on my Facebook feed appeared a video of some one having a seizure at a social event like a concert or at the bar or something. And it confused me at first. I thought she had just had a seizure in public, which while unfortunate is perfectly understandable. Then somebody explained that she was shoved. By accident or on purpose, I don't know, but that should have been in there if the video was to be posted. I don't want to hurt the person who shared this video; she shared it for her own reasons, and probably not ONE of them was so that I would find it hurtful. That being said, it should be clear who did the shoving if the video is to be posted on a social network, for a couple of reasons. One, if she was prone to seizures maybe she shouldn't have been in a situation that could cause them. Not that this incident should EVER be considered her fault. But remember what I said about not taking risks with your health? What if heat caused her seizures? Then she was CERTAINLY taking a chance by attending a busy social gathering with lots of sweaty people and hot expelled air, possibly alcohol (that just dehydrates you anyway), and a myriad other factors. Secondly, if this incident is supposed to be about police causing a medical emergency, it failed. The cops that are clearly visible AFTER the victim starts to seize put her on her side and appear to be telling the crowd to back away and give her some air as they support her back and front, which is the standard medical procedure for an individual having a seizure. Finally, since this clip DOESN'T clearly show who's responsible for the shove, it could be argued that this video is just showing a person having a seizure on a dance floor. There's no reason for it. And it does not need to be shared. It is Ableism in its rawest form and nothing better than snuff.


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