Gems of My Hometown

You know, I love "antiquing". Roaming the aisles, often on multiple levels, of a wizened little store with equipment that often seems about as dated as its wares:) And most of the time I don't even mind that the copious amounts of knickknacks and furniture "jump out in front of" my walker so I bump into them or have to move them to pass. And there are even some antique stores with the best or most of their stuff on a single level, in multiple rooms, making it much more accessible to everyone. Yesterday's sojourn to just such a store was so uplifting. Grand Rapids is dotted with many "happy little antique stores", but Archive Antiques and Repurposed Goods (follow them on Instagram and Facebook) stands out. Such a great place to shelter from the rain storm that looked like it was coming! The storm never quite came, but lots of people from all over outside DID. The furniture was a fun retro mix of chic and comfortable; I didn't even mind when it blocked my path so I had to push it aside to "forge a path":) After nearly 12 years--I'm pretty used to doing that everywhere I go. And their kitch was worth the effort to get up close and examine! I particularly liked a set of four gold-tone ceramic Irish Coffee-style mugs inside a glass case. It was a bit of a challenge to GET to said case through all of the other fun stuff around, but I managed:) My friend observed "One of us is going to have to force the other one out of here!" It's just that kind of place, where you can spend a good long time just looking at all the treasures they've accumulated. Copious amounts of old books! I would have been in trouble there if I'd come as a kid:) That was one of my favorite keepsakes to explore when antiquing. Even today I practically seek them out. Archive is one of those welcome alternatives to the multi-level shop that displays all it has in one long store:) Yes there is a separate back room or two that is somewhat defined by an open door one has to pass through, but just like everything else, it's worth the effort, and I didn't mind. To add to the experience, a little old-timey bakery, Van's Pastry Shoppe (follow on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; be like me!) with very wonderful prices and LOTS of goodies to choose from is right next door! The lady behind the counter even REMEMBERED me from when I'd come in with the same friend months ago! This happens to me a lot, where I'm recognized or acknowledged by people in the community, and I'm still not used to it:) I was flattered. How could you not be? But I don't "see it." In my head I'm not all that memorable. Is it maybe just because I have a walker, and people are not used to seeing those "out and about"? Maybe. Whatever the reason, it made my whole day:)


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