The Art of Accessibility
Hello Lovelies!
Yesterday and last night were pretty much devoted elsewhere; I didn't have time to rest and blog:( I DID however visit my beloved Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (UICA), for the opening reception of their latest exhibit, featuring the photography of Bangladesh! It's a modern little art museum with an abiding interest insocial issues. They treat me like family every time I'm there--which is often.
The evening was splendid (to use one of "my" words). I chatted, ate fried onion fritters, drank white wine, and conversed with a new friend and fellow lover of art and travel on the breezy, minimalist terrace.
The UICA are barrier free, which I love, and I have absolutely no problem walking right up to the disabled access button out front and letting myself in. I've heard from some that parking can be an issue though, so I'm going to work on becoming part of the committee who discusses problems of accessibility at the museum. A place that's this much fun INSIDE should be a breeze to enter from the OUTSIDE!