Until Next Time, ACWGR!

Alas, Active Commute Week GR 2018 has come and gone, as of tonight's "wrap party" that was also an awards ceremony for all who participated AND those who logged the most alternative rides of every kind, from walking to car pooling and especially bike riding. I was there with the friend whom I mentioned in an earlier post introduced me to the event:) We ended up both being "losers"--as far as the raffle to win various awards and "swag" for the upcoming Art Prize tourist extravaganza that takes place here, starting late August. But as she pointed out, we got a free dinner, so we're winners after all! I considered the evening a double plus because I ran into her, deciding at the very last minute to even go to this closing out ceremony. Besides that, I reconnected with somebody I NEVVER thought I'd see again, 'cause I moved away from my old neighborhood, which is where she lives and where I met her, a year ago. So that was another win! It was also heartening to see so many younger people (people my age) crowding the little city pub, representing so many cars NOT driven this week, and so much pollution NOT sent into the air. In the grand scheme of things we might be a small group, but as Shakespeare said "though she is small, she be fierce". It's a step in the right direction. It'll take a LOT for this country to completely change its commuting ways. Thanks to this evening, I have new hope. And I know what to expect of this event next year, and what I should try to beat for next year: 16 bus rides totaling 3000 miles! I can certainly do that. This week I didn't log as many walking or riding trips as I would've thought; whenever it's as hot as its been, I try to avoid too much walking or waiting for the bus in the punishing sun. My perspective on all those I see walking the sidewalks behind my building has changed dramatically. Maybe some of them are just walking to their cars, but maybe some of them are just waling from Point A to Point B, rather than taking any kind of vehicle! It's exciting to think that slowly, we're waking up together to how much we take our planet for granted. And this goes right along with inaccessibility. Everything is starting to make adjustments so even those who walk or bike can use them! And Active Commute Week will hopefully stay with the people who ordinarily drive, giving them the chance to re-evaluate whether they really NEED to take a car for short trips. At the very least you'd have to wonder if they saw me at the pub and thought, "well if she can walk or car pool everywhere, I should give it another try".


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