Strength in Weakness
Hello! As my followers know, I get a lot of my inspiration for the blogs I write here from Twitter and Facebook. God bless 'em, those crazy time-vacuums! Every now and then, social networks remind me to slow down, observe the world around me, and take stock of what I have to be thankful for. Today I include a tweet from the inspiring Ace Ratcliff, whose tweets I admire immensely and hope to come close to emulating:)
It reminds me that although I couldn't make it to an event today that I had been planning to go to for political reasons, there is nevertheless something I can do. After all, "gentleness is strength." The most fragile among us can sometimes withstand more than those who oppress them. Even these quiet voices on social networks and blogs will eventually become so numerous they will deafen those who would silence them. And that is worth living for, as long as we can help each other endure.
hiya, sweet human. yeah, you.
— ace ratcliff♿️ (@MortuaryReport) June 20, 2018
go get water, if you don’t already have some. take a deep breath. step outside & get some fresh air, if you can.
if you’ve got other people around, say something nice to someone. hug someone, if you can.
don’t forget that living is why we fight