Sunday Melt Aways

Sundays are good days. Especially when they're overcast and cool:) Add to that a wonderful radio station--the eclectic and eccentric WYCE on the radio (yes I'm old-fashioned enough to love the radio), and it's even lovelier. Ignoring the nagging hunger for the moment just to jot down how nice it is to be a short walk from church (albeit uphill), where I meet my largest GROUP of friends. I have lots of friends here and there, scattered about. But at church, there's a "nest" if you will, of people I only get to see regularly once a week! And it's under the best of circumstances; a summer church service. Louis Armstrong is melting away the mild annoyance I felt at the sight of a pan handler who waited outside the church doors to accost us all as we exited. I did not give him any money:) Thank God for Louis Armstrong! And deep down, the staunch Christian within feels sorry for the pan handler. Whatever has hold of his life--drugs, alcohol, or just very little spending money--compels him to prey on church goers. I can't imagine if things were as bad for me. I can't help but feel sorry for him! Although I told him I didn't have any change. Bob Marley sings "stand up for your rights, don't give up the fight." Don't I have the right to leave church without having to tell white lies to keep my pocket money? But the sermon today was about forgiveness. God forgives ME my white lies, so in turn I forgive the "poor and downtrodden" in our society for trying to squeeze water from a stone. Life goes on!


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