Spreading A Good Word

Hello! Earlier I was watching an old favorite movie, and heard for about the millionth time what I think is one of the best lines in contemporary (for my purposes the last 20 years) cinema: "The word 'civilized' has no place in any discussion of the affairs of this world." Really makes you think. In the West we are so driven by the conviction that we're "doing it right", that we are good to the right people for the right reasons, and bring the wrong people to justice. And yet, I would argue that this civilization is more than a little blind to the truth here. Discrimination of every kind is rampant, and for the most part it's just ignored. People unaffected by the double standards out there just look the other way. Consider the amphitheaters where so much live music is played during this sunny, warm season. Wheels can't get up and down THOSE stairs! And yet there are very few alternative routes, or they are way off to the side somewhere requiring more tiresome rolling. And then if they can't find this elusive side entrance, the people in wheelchairs or with mobility aides have to catch the attention of one of the distracted staff members, sometimes having to wait 'til an able customer is satisfied with the resolution to THEIR issue. This is a fairly new concept to me--Ableism--and I used to think it was just a matter of course, just the way things were, because the Disabled are less important in able minds:( Turns out, it's so common there's a word for it. And it's an good word. So what are we to do? Just not go out. That seems to be the pervasive belief in this society. Don't bother the able folks with having to look after your needs. Once in a while you see the beautiful story of some one doing the opposite--an entire airplane rallying to assist a man who is blind and deaf, and make sure that his needs are met. Somebody parallel parking an older lady's car for her on a busy city street, but by and large I'd say we're on our own. In the case of a live concert then, we'd better really want to see it! Otherwise the effort of making the able world take notice and meet our needs is too much to deal with. Might as well just stay home. This is my constant struggle. I'm torn between what I want to do, and whether it will be worth all the trouble of dragging my walker up and down stairs, pushing it through grass, or simply walking far out of the way of the entrance that able people use so carefreely. I can't imagine what it's like for those in wheelchairs. Those with more challenges than me are constantly in my mind. I pray for them, and consider maintaining this blog, befriending them on Twitter and Facebook the least I can do for them with my own limitations. Also to spread a smile: today is a lovely and beautiful day without too much heat, which is good news to ME:) The forecast was that it would be close to 80, so I'm delighted (this one time) that the meteorologists were wrong! And it helps the chores I have to do in preparation for the week that much more pleasant. Who can worry about the tedium of folding a huge pile of laundry when the sun outside is brilliant, and my slightly open window lets in cool air?! What are dishes to me, when the birds are chirping? I just need to turn on some music and get to it; they'll go by quickly with sunshine. My only mistake last night was trying to ignore the effects of a pill that makes me drowsy--for so long that I didn't get to sleep until very late. Then I completely slept through BOTH my alarms this morning (or I turned them off in my sleep. I've become almost disturbingly good at doing that). Then I just kept right on sleeping! I forgive myself, because it's Sunday, and I didn't have anything important planned for today anyway. Or rather, the things I had planned were online, and so can be done at any time. Sometimes it's necessary to forgive oneself, especially when you have physical challenges. Add to that a little anxiety, and the busy-ness of the last two weeks, and it really is no surprise at all that my body slowed me down today. I am grateful every day that at least I have the freedom to listen to and obey that voice inside that's begging me to slow down. Meanwhile, I sit here writing in clothes ready for a workout! I'm gonna get right to that, just as soon as I fill my readers in on the news of my day.


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